Sixty-two alts let us know where they attended school last week. The survey was really open and covered the entire K-12 experience so it was understandable that some felt left out - particularly those of us who went to magnet schools. Others felt the descriptions a bit too general.
Overall, 71% attended public/government schools and 24% attended private schools at some point in their K-12 education. The vast majority of us attended school in the Burbs. One person claims to have attended a Madrassa.
The results for this week are posted in the wiki.
The poll has been running weekly for almost a year. Now it's time for changes, and the decision about the future of the poll is yours.
Spit or swallow?
What's the first thing you do after you wake up (and open your eyes)?
Where do you live?
What is your favorite form of refreshment on a hot summer day? Post details in the thread.
Are you willing to use community moderation tools if necessary?
Some bNers/bNettes believe that there has been a significant rise in incivility and general nastiness at bN recently.
If you agree, which of the following do you believe are the worst problems? Choose as many as necessary.
What do you do most in bN?
What percentage of bNers/bNettes are writing bullshit posts, not counting obvious trolls (includes made up lives, opinions, beliefs, employment, etc.)?
At what time of day are you most productive (mentally)?
Would you participate in a second banniNation census? Please post questions you would like to see in the thread.
NPR carried a story this week on the effect of rising prices around the world. Which is hitting you hardest?
How far do you travel to get to work each day (on average)?
What mode of transportation do you use to get to work?
If you could become a member of another racial group for a year, would you do it?
If you could try out being a member of the opposite sex for a year, would you do it? (bNers become bNettes and vice versa)
If you could have an otherwise perfect life, but had to choose one major problem in order to have this life, what would it be?
What is your favourite moment in bN history? (Apologies to people getting called out)
When do you banniNate?
Have you ever...
What's you sexual orientation?
Have you seen a live performance of a(n)...
Which of the following do you have? Choose the one that effects your life the most.
What bN poll question has been the most interesting so far?
What is most important to you in a relationship with a love interest?
If you weren't banniNating, you would be.... (Choose 3 max.)
At this moment, who would you vote for president in the 2008 US presidential elections?
How many languages do you speak enough to survive with?
Sunday, December 23, 2007
School Daze
Posted by
12:24 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Religious Divide
This last week we surveyed the tribe about religion - always a divisive topic in meatspace and cyberspace. Seventy-six people voted. As always the results are posted in the wiki, but we will give a simple breakdown of the results here.
The general breakdown, based on major world religions, was 3.9% Jewish, 23.7% Christian, 1.3% Taoist. Then, 30.3% Other Religion, 19.7% Agnostic, and 21.1% Atheist. Zoroastrians were left off the survey and therefore could be lumped in with Other Religion even though they are considered one of the world's major religions.
Specific results for religious affiliations can be found in the wiki.
Despite the dizzying array of choices, 8 people still felt their beliefs were not represented adequately. Jin wonders how many self-identified as Force believers. ;)
Posted by
10:46 AM
Labels: religion
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Gym club here we come
For some exercising is a way of life, and for others getting a beer from the fridge is exercising. banniNation has more beer-people than gym-dwellers. It shows, since most bNers should lose at least few pounds. Then again half of them exercise 1-4 hours per week, so they are obviously doing something. Their beer-bellies are just in the way of their gorgeus abs.
Posted by
5:08 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Having Adventures: banniNation on Safari
The term safari is a 19th century Kiswahili term referring to a cross-country expedition usually for the purpose of hunting or viewing wildlife in East Africa (derived from the Arabic term safar meaning to journey), but it can mean traveling in general. Going on safari outside our home countries is getting more difficult with TSA pat downs, stance checks and body cavity searches (jk on the stance check - I think). 95% of bNers/bNettes have traveled in North America (makes sense given the meatspace citizenship of bN). A few souls have braved foreigners (ha! ha!), customs agents, and immigration to bring back reports from beyond the edges of the map where dragons live and cannibals haunt the jungles. One bNer/Nette has even safaried to Antarctica and lived to tell the tale.
If we take my dad's favorite phrase having adventures, which he uses to describe my total inability to stay put and lead a normal life like other people, then certainly the population of banniNation is doing that. Whether it is totalsecurity narrowly avoiding skanky women in Wasilla, AK, heresyoftruth posting bacon tits, burntman soaking up sunshine in Manica with a cold beer and prawns, ludditemike taking really early morning bike rides to photograph his MI town, modi traveling the world in the name of good health, lard baron hiking in Bavaria, or even grahams herding all the cool cats that populate bN, we are definitely having adventures.
For comparison's sake, here is a list of numbers of countries per continent. You can go here to get the list of countries. This week's results are posted in the wiki.
Antarctica - shared territory
Africa - 53
Asia -44
Europe - 46
North America - 23
Oceania/Australia - 14
South America - 12
Posted by
Jen Shaffer
5:25 AM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
All systems operational.
The September census results showed that 80.7% of participating community members banned from a PC, 12.3% from a Mac, and 3.5% from a Linux platform. This week's question provides a little more detail.
Of the 54 bNers and bNettes polled, 55% use some form of Windows, 24% have Linux, 2% Amiga OS, and 19% are using OSX to store all their pictures of Melissa Theuriau. Most PC users have WinXP (47%), but a few use Win2000 (2%) or Vista (6%). *shudder*
Apparently, the guy in the grey suit has convinced more bNers and bNettes to go with his operating system than that hipster Mac dude. Or perhaps we're just too lazy to switch over to the Penguin.
Posted by
Jen Shaffer
2:10 PM
Labels: Linux, Mac, MS, operating systems, PC
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Missing votes
Some votes has disappeared during the night. At the moment we have no idea why and if they are gone for good. Blogger-support has been e-mailed...
Update: The votes have re-appeared. Still no clue what had happened.
Posted by
4:37 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
You can check out any time you want....
Apparently banniNation is just too addictive to settle for less than one hour of interaction. Thirty percent of people never leave and 25% banninate 8-15 hours per week. Only 40 people participated in this weeks poll, but the bimodal distribution of answers to this week's question How many hours a week do you banninate? suggests a couple of possibilities.
1. A lot of people banninate at work and home. In fact, work and home could be the same place.
2. Some people only banninate from home or from work. Hey, not everyone has the luxury of living in a cubicle.
Any other hypotheses? This is a question that could be tested in the next banniNation census.
Results are posted here.
Posted by
Jen Shaffer
9:35 AM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Parallel Universes
For many years, science fiction authors have speculated on the possibility that the South won the Civil War, that dinosaurs never went extinct, and that you can buy a decent pint at a restaurant at the end of the universe to enjoy while watching the big bang. Within the past decade, physicists have come to realize that science fiction may not be fiction. Parallel universes exist side by side and our twin might literally be only a few millimeters away... in another universe.
We are still far from being capable of jumping dimensions, but if we could where would we choose to go? Most would choose to brave Vogon construction crews and poetry rather than take the red pill, sail a firefly, wield a light saber, or get beamed aboard the USS Enterprise. Results are posted in the wiki as well.
Thread comments may be found here.
Posted by
Jen Shaffer
9:43 AM
Sunday, September 30, 2007
The Afterglow
It is over just as quickly as it started. Now it’s time to clean up and think about the future.
The results are posted in here.
What did we learn from this? Posting comments, voting in the queue and lurking are popular activities. Alt creation, the wiki and the Beer Garden not so much. We also learned it can be difficult to count to three. 152 people gave their opinion, but dividing the amount of total votes by three gives the result of 154.
Interpret the results as you like.
Posted by
3:39 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
The First Time...
The first time is never easy. It can be painful and messy, and if that's the case, hopefully over quickly. Hopefully, this first time will be good for everyone.
Some of the polls will be "serious business," others more in line with the sort of locker room fun that pervades the NSFW threads. Polls about politics, current events, movies, social commentary, literature, general bN user stats could all show up at the top of the page.
Here's how we hope it will work:
On Sunday, a question will be posted. bNers and bNettes will have a week to vote. On Saturday, at midnight, the polls will close, the results tallied, and then posted on the blog. On Sunday, a scheduled thread will come up to discuss poll results. This thread will be linked to the blog as well. A new question will be posted. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Of course, there are all sorts of ways trolls, cabals, and alt armies could abuse the system. We're hoping that good citizenship, common decency, and basic morals and ethics prevent that. No one knows who is voting and when and how. Please be considerate of your fellow community members and vote once per physical individual.
Hopefully, you will submit polls of your own (with an answer list). Please send along questions with answers to WIE is always appreciated too. ;~)
Posted by
6:48 PM
Labels: announcements, features, rules