The first time is never easy. It can be painful and messy, and if that's the case, hopefully over quickly. Hopefully, this first time will be good for everyone.
Some of the polls will be "serious business," others more in line with the sort of locker room fun that pervades the NSFW threads. Polls about politics, current events, movies, social commentary, literature, general bN user stats could all show up at the top of the page.
Here's how we hope it will work:
On Sunday, a question will be posted. bNers and bNettes will have a week to vote. On Saturday, at midnight, the polls will close, the results tallied, and then posted on the blog. On Sunday, a scheduled thread will come up to discuss poll results. This thread will be linked to the blog as well. A new question will be posted. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Of course, there are all sorts of ways trolls, cabals, and alt armies could abuse the system. We're hoping that good citizenship, common decency, and basic morals and ethics prevent that. No one knows who is voting and when and how. Please be considerate of your fellow community members and vote once per physical individual.
Hopefully, you will submit polls of your own (with an answer list). Please send along questions with answers to WIE is always appreciated too. ;~)